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Puño Libra

Our Club Deal

MasValor Club Deal is a collaborative investment agreement in which a group of investors, often institutional or high net worth individuals, come together to collectively invest in a single opportunity or project.

The specific terms of each Deal, such as each participant's investment amount, profit sharing, decision-making processes, and exit strategies, are typically outlined in a formal agreement between participating members.

About the Club Deal Model

Reunión de grupo
The Importance of Club Deal

With a club deal, you can pool resources with other investors to achieve more significant scale and take advantage of more significant investment opportunities that may otherwise be too large for an individual.

How We Operate

We focus on creating a trusted network of investors and companies to achieve the best deal and co-invest in skillfully selected opportunities.

Datos de existencias
Our Investment Criteria

Our investment strategy is to identify opportunities and structure loans with low default risk, high yields, and high diversification potential. We prioritize investment opportunities that satisfy these standards.

Advantages of Club Deals for Co-Investing


Reduce risk by spreading your investment across several opportunities within the club's portfolio.

Access to Deals

In a club deal, you'll have access to investment opportunities that may not be available to individual investors or at a lower minimum investment amount.

Collaboration & Networking

In a club deal, you can collaborate with other investors and learn from their experiences. You'll get the chance to make new and valuable professional contacts.


Investing with a team that has a proven track record provides credibility with potential borrowers and reduces risk for investors.

Type of investments

Structured Loans

Structured loans are backed by specific tangible assets, which reduces risk for investors.


Buying shares of a company, making you a partial owner through the Club Deal. This offers higher growth and dividends potential, but comes with higher risk due to market changes and company performance.

How to Participate in the Club Deal

Contact us

Contact us. Our team will get back to you within 24 hours to discuss next steps.

Receive Opportunities

Periodically, we will send you investment opportunities for you to review. You can always ask for more details! You can select which investment is right for you.

Sign the Subscription Documents

Sign the subscription documents for each Deal you are investing.
We will coordinate the transfer of funds to the SPV designed for each deal.

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